Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > Popping sound

Popping sound

19 16:17:44

QUESTION: My english bulldog is 5 months old and I hear popping sound in his back legs when he walks and sits down, he is active and seems fine, will this go away?


He most likely has some level of hip dysplasia.  If you go to a vet, I suggest not having surgery.  Some vets want to rush into it, but if he has no symptoms, you should not it done.

Here is a great site about natural treatment:

Christine Puetz

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you    also if able, i forgot to mention that he is 5 months and weighs over 50 pounds, maybe that has something to do with it?


Sounds like he is a pretty big boy!!!

Again, you might try some of the natural things mentioned on the website.  Hopefully some of those things will prevent future surgery.
Even if he has no symptoms (other than the clicking noise), the things would be helpful.

Also, always make surgery your last resort.  

Christine Puetz