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Potty training our Bulldog

19 16:26:10

We have a 14 week old bulldog puppy who seems to be having some serious potty training issues.

He is crated at night (small wire crate), and he will cry for about 10 minutes and then settle down to sleep around 11 pm or midnight.  We get up at about 2 or 3 am to let him outside for a pee and then we are usually awake around 6 or 6:30 am and he goes out again.  During these 3-4 hour time slots when he is in his crate, he pees.  He doesn't seem to have a problem sleeping in it either, which is a little disconcerning to us.  His water is put up around 7pm.

About 65% of the time he will go to the back door during the day to let us know he needs to go out... the other 35% of the time, he just pees on the floor.  Or if we aren't watching him like a hawk he will pee on the mat infront of the door.  Will he ever learn to bark or whine to let us know that he has to go out?? We generally ask him if he has to go outside (or put him out) every 30-45 minutes or so, but sometimes we do get distracted and it would be great if he could vocalize it.  

Any suggestions?  We are getting pretty tired of the morning bath routine before work to wash the pee off of him! And the constant puddles of pee (and finding them by getting a wet sock!)

Are we expecting too much too soon from our little guy?! HELP!

Actually, I think he's doing great for his age! Holy cow, he's not even 4 months old yet. You're doing all the right things, but you have to give him time to grow up. He probably won't be 100% in his crate for another month or so, maybe longer.  Plus, Bulldogs aren't the brightest stars in the ski. They have personal hygiene issues as puppies :o) and, he's a guy. Just keep up the good work and don't be too hard on him. He really is doing well.

You may remove all sources of water after 5 p.m. That might help.