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Bumps on my English bulldogs face?

19 16:22:08

My English bulldog breaks out with bumps around his mouth. It looks kind of like acne. He lets me squeeze them and they don't seem to be sore but it looks bad. they'll go away for a while then come back. My Vet said it might be the stainless steel bowls we feed him from but I've switched to porcelain and he's broke out again. Is there something I can do to help prevent his breakouts. P.S. I clean his face twice a week with warm water.

You need a new vet. This is puppy pyoderma. You need to clean it 3 times a day with soap and water, dry thoroughly and apply Neosporin until it's gone. It has nothing to do with the stainless steel bowls. Where did you find this vet?

Usually they will outgrow this condition. If it is very persistent, ask a real vet to put the dog on Cephalexin for a couple of weeks.