Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > agressive behavoir in my 3 year old bulldog

agressive behavoir in my 3 year old bulldog

19 16:23:18

I've had my dog since he was a pup.  He has not shown any agressive behavior until recently.  About 3 months ago he suddenly became very agressive towards my 25 year old son, specifically in the morning.  He sleeps on my bed, and i was wondering if he was banished from the room this would stop.  It didn't.  He is now occasionally "snarl bark" when my son comes in the house (he lives here, this is not a new thing).  He is not neutered, and is not agressive to any one else.  We are trying to have my son feed him breakfast and spend time with him on a leash - let me know your thoughts.

This is adult male territorial, spoiled, dog behavior.

First thing is to get him neutered right away. Then I would have your son take the dog through an obedience course so that he can gain some respect. If he was mine (the dog not the son) I would beat his butt with a newspaper every time he let out a "grrrr" at anyone accompanied by a loud, stern "NO!"