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English bulldog Breathing

19 16:18:16

Hi We Just recently got or Bullie 2 days ago He was flown in on a plane we have noticed hes coughing and sounds a little raspy not all the time I'm waiting for his papers to come in before my vet can see him should i be concerned right away or can i wait till papers arrive or should i go to another vet that will see him without his papers any advice could it be just a cold from his travels


I think it would be wise to see a vet right away.  You don't need to wait for papers.  

You should have gotten a medical record with your puppy.  That would be helpful, but not necessary for your vet.

I don't think he got a cold from his travels.  Hopefully it is nothing serious, but just to make sure, you should go ahead and see  your vet.

Christine Puetz