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English bulldog needing supplements ;

19 16:15:21

I have an 8 mo old English bulldog, he walks with stiff legs alot. He is active, goes up steps,jumps, doesnt seem to be in any pain. He is about 50 lbs already but not over weight. Im wondering if he is just stiff when 1st getting up or if he is having joint problems already.

Hi Sue - It would be a good idea to talk to your vet about this on your next visit.  I am sure he will need to see the vet for immunizations soon.
They can take an x-ray and take a look at the hips and knees ( patellas).
You can start this boy onto some supplements for hip and joint health...
Many dogs do start on supplements at a young age to avoid joint problems.

First - get some PURE salmon oil - give this boy 1 tablespoon per day - mixed into his food.
Pure salmon oil is very helpful for joint problems and stiffness.
Found at most pet stores : Grizzley oil is one brand that I have good luck with.

NuVET Plus ( not sold in stores - order below)

I have loads of Bullies on NuVET Plus -  it will help to reduce swelling and stiffness besides it is a great skin and coat healer, too.
NuVET is an overall wonderful bulldog vitamin..
See my bullie page here:

I sure hope this helps...
The two supplements will be very SAFE and helpful for your bullie kid.

keep me posted
my private e-mail

Marie Peppers Of Ask the Pet Nurse