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puppy size at 12 weeks

19 16:19:48

I have 2 English bulldog puppies born 7-3-08.  They were sick 2 weeks in August and did not gain a great deal of wt.  We found the problem to be Heat, and cooled their room down...problem fixed.  They have grown beautifully, but I want to know what they should weigh at 12 weeks.  The male is 15 1/2 lbs and the female is 14 lb 10 oz.  Is there a weight chart anywhere?   Thanks for the info.

Hi - Here is a puppy weight chart - it is not in pounds -

According to this chart "a bulldog" ( not English)-

***around 15.4 lbs is what the boy or girl should be around for pounds.
2.2 Lbs is in every kg of weight.

(boys will be a little larger than girls)

Seems to me they are just right!

I would love to see them on some NuVET Plus - it will help them to grow strong and build the immune system.
Here is the link for NuVET -

I sure hope this chart helps.  I had a hard time finding one in pounds .  Just remember 2.2 lbs is in 1kg...OK?

BEST wishes
Marie Peppers LPN MA