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my puppys behavior

19 16:26:42

Hi I hope you might be able to answer my question about my pitbull/saint bernard mixed puppy. She is almost 4 months old now and still has problems with Pooping and peeing in the house. Some days are good and she doesn't do it all day, and some days it seems like she can't hold it or wants the attention by doing it or something. We have tried everything, and what gets me most is sometimes she will stand by the door and pee right there or she will go outside for awhile come back in and then pee or poop in the house. I just don't know what to do anymore. Also I was looking for info on how to get her to stop wanting to jump on people when they come in the house and to stop wanting to chew on our fingers, we have tried things for that too, but sometimes doesn't work. Thanks so much for any info you have for me.

First of all, if you don't use a crate, get one. This is a valuable tool for house training.  Secondly, find an obedience class, soon. Because of the mix of your dog and ultimately the size she will be, you really need to get some training into her and be consistent and firm, ALL THE TIME. I can't stress enough how important obedience traing would be for you.  Good luck.