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Soft Poops

19 16:22:00

Our 8 month old French Bulldog has very soft poops, sometimes diahria-ish.   
We have had her for 1-1/2 months and it has always been like this.  She eats
Flint River Ranch dry dog food and gets a doggie biscuit (same brand) each day.  
She has been to the vets when we first go her and she had worms but has been
on worm medicine since then (Sentinal once a month).  What could be causing

Have another poop check done. If she has had fleas or did previous to you getting her, worm her for tapes also. The tapeworm segments rarely show up in a fecal exam and will often cause intermittent diarrhea.

Once you've done all this, if she still has soft stools, you may want to consider a change in diet. Perhaps what you're feeding it to rich for her.