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Tipping water bowl

19 16:23:07

Hello - my bulldog is in heat and has not been walked for over a week. So I think that out of boredom she has begun a new game of tipping over her water bowl. Not only is this creating a mess, but I'm afraid she will not have drinking water while I'm away at work. Do you think this is boredom? Also, she started her first cycle on Friday, January 26th, the bleeding has now stopped - is it safe to walk her?

Thank you.

I think this is a combination of frustration and boredom. I used to have a puppy who would slap all the water out of the dish and "surf" across my kitchen floor. Very funny, very cute, but a huge mess.

The reason you're not seeing bleeding is because she's in prime breeding time from now until probably the weekend and then you have another 4 or 5 days until she's out of heat. You count the first day you see blood as day one.  Then it's 21 days until she's safely out of heat.