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Pit Bull

19 16:26:45

I have a Pit Bull male that is 11 months old. He has been raised around me since he was 6 months old. I have been dating a guy for a few months, and my dog does not seem to want to have anything to do with him. He runs up and down the hall growling like he is ready to eat him up, but he has not done so yet. I have tried to discipline him, but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thank You

This behavior is unacceptable. It's a bit late for obedience classes, but they would probably help. This dog seems to lack socialization, or perhaps he's just not used to strangers in your home.  If you use a crate, try crating him when the guy is there. Don't wait for something bad to happen.

Off the record, I personally think that dogs a good judges of character. That might be something to consider :o)