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rescued, aggressive english bulldog

19 16:24:55

i am going to try not to make this too wordy.
i just rescued a 3 yr old male neutered english bulldog. i already have a spayed 1yr old female who absolutely loves other diogs and people. my new one however doeen't seem to like her or other people besides me. she tries to play,lick,lay beside him and he completely ignores her or gets up and moves away. also he is very toy aggressive and he was extremely aggressive towards an unneutered male basset hound. my question is what can i do to change this? if anything? i wanted a companion for my little girl not a bully. (pardon the pun) please advise

When you say "just rescued", I'm assuming you haven't had the dog long at all. Let me try not to make this too wordy!

First of all, I would make his time spent with the other dogs minimal at this time. Let him warm up to them gradually. Unless you have background information on him, you have no idea whether he's ever lived with other dogs or not. He acts like a dog whose been an only child.

You should have a crate for him.  When he exhibits his bad behavior, give him a loud "NO!" and just put him in a "time out" for about 15 minutes. Then give him another chance. You need to let him know that his behavior is neither accepted or tolerated. He probably hasn't had a lot of discipline in his life either. He needs to know that you're the boss, not him.

Just be careful not to leave him unattended with your other dogs until all this is resolved. The good news is, he may come around and be a member of your dog family, or he may get worse. Only time will tell.  Good luck.