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bulldogs hearing

19 16:23:41

my girlfriend and i both have english bulldogs and there very well behaved. sometimes, though, it seems like they have selective hearing or just plain bad hearing. my dog will be sleeping downstairs and i will run down the stairs and do some laundry and the damn thing wont even wake up. or he will be outside and ill call his name and get no response. but once he sees me yelling his name he comes right away. just wondering if this is normal or something i may need to be concerned about. thanks to all that help.

Chances are your Bulldog has lost some or all of his hearing. If he's had ear infections or severe mite problems, then it's a good possibility. I would take him to the vet and have him check out his ears.  Perhaps they're just full of gunk and need a good cleaning. While you should be concerned enough to find out what's going on, this isn't uncommon with Bulldogs at all.