Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > crate


19 16:25:41

What is the best crate for my English Bulldog?  He is going to be a year old, he needs a new crate, I have been looking on line, but not sure what size?  I need one to travel with, because I go away to my summer house on the weekends.  He will be a year old, now he is only in the crate when we go somewhere long periords of time.  At night he sleeps on a blanket in my room, he is only in there, if we leave because of chewing and tearing things apart.  

I use the intermediate sized crates, 32 x 26 x 24...that may be large for traveling, but you could do the next smaller size.  Just make sure you get one that is either wire or well ventilated plastic so he doesn't over heat.

Can't he ride in the backseat without a crate if he's such a good guy?

You know your situation better than I, but as long as he's comfortable with plenty of air, he'll be fine.