Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > missing hair spots on english bulldog

missing hair spots on english bulldog

19 16:20:52

QUESTION: my daughters one year old male english bulldog recently visited the vet for missing hair spots.  Their is no irritant to these spots, or sore, but they are unattractive.  After spending $200.00 my daughter doesn't have a diagnosis.  They've tested for liver, kidney, thyroid, mange and all are negative.  What could it be?

ANSWER: Need some answers from you:

First of all - I wonder if it is the food?  What kind of food is he eating.  If the food is loaded with fillers???? that could be the problem.  EBD have many skin and coat problems..... Many times it has to do with the foods.

Also, he could have environmental allergies ,too.

Let me know the answer to the above... thanks

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the dog is on Science Diet for Adults, which my daughter thinks is the best, because it is expensive?????  But he also has been given inexpensive treats occassionally, but she is now stopping them.

Hi Again:
Oh, you need to go  onto a new food... I am sure the Science diet is one of the problems... Filled with corns and other grains.  This dogs needs to be on meats...good meats.
Here is my suggestion:

first..... Innova EVO dog food - This can be found at any pet stores.
Innova EvO is 99% grain free - Mostly meats.... GREAT product!!!
Tell here to do 1/2 the Science Diet and 1/2 the Innova for 2 weeks.  After the 2 weeks she can go 100% Innova EVO.

Second...For ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES -  Get your dogs onto NuVET Plus - this is an Immune System Booster that will help with skin and coat problems... Also, fights off allergens that are hitting this doggie.
NuVET Is about .50 cents per day:

Also, start your pal on some Vitamin E daily - Just one 150 IU per day ... You can put this is a small amount of cheese wiz or just a cube of cheese...

I hope you take my suggestions.  I am sure you will see a big difference within 60 days or less..

Good Luck

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel and NuVET Plus
The BEST Doggie Vitamin in the usa...