Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > frenchie who hates kids; territorial aggression in french bulldog;

frenchie who hates kids; territorial aggression in french bulldog;

19 16:16:37


Mugsy the fearful Fren
My frenchie dislikes kids. When we have a child over to visit, he guards his food bowl constantly, behaves anxious, and even herds the poor kids (runs little circles around them).  What can we do to make him feel safe and overcome this behavior?  He's such a sweet and happy dog otherwise and it's sad to see him so traumatized!


I am a frenchie too
Oh My - What a cute frenchie!!!  Mugsy is soooooo cute !  
Thanks for the photo!

Ok, if you can get someone to come to his house.....
***a trainer would work with you and Mugsy for 2-3 sessions.  
That is all you need and he will be much BETTER.

He has some "territorial" aggression and needs the dog trainer to come to You.

Believe me, you only need a few sessions to correct this.

Don't let this go on as it will just get worse.

SEE my bullies here:
NuVET bullies :