Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > elongated soft pallette

elongated soft pallette

19 16:20:55

i have recently had my bitch in for surgery and they shortened her soft pallette, took away the sacs in her throat and widened her nostrils i just wondered if she is likely to have any problems with this in future thanks

Hi Amanda:  Sounds like they did a good job... She could have some sinus troubles in the future... Nothing too bad.  Just may be sensitive to allergens and may get some runny nose problems...
Sound all good ...

Make sure she is taking an Immune Booster like NuVET Plus - NOT sold in stores...  ( about .50 cents per day)

Also, you can put her on some probiotic... to keep her belly balanced and her body stable:
here is a link for a probiotic...

Every dog should be on a probiotic...
You can find them in any pet store...

NuVET is not found in pet stores... Only by the web site or at a "higher price" from the VET office...

BEST wishes-

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel
NuVET Plus - the best dog supplement/ treat in the USA