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Snoop acl repair; alternatives to acl surgery;

19 16:16:24

QUESTION: Our bulldog Snoop is at home with his grandma, my husband and I are overseas for the time being (military). Snoop is 1 year old and weighs about 55 lbs, he's pretty lazy, but when he gets excited he really goes all out...

While he was at home he tore his ACL, as determined by a vet via x-ray. He was limping on and off for a while, and stupidly we thought maybe he was "faking it" for attention...(Well, I didn't but my husband did...)So we didn't take action until now. He plays so hard and sometimes seems to lose control when he gets excited. Recently he had a play date with another puppy and seemed to really hurt his knee...he soon was putting no weight at all on the leg, but holding it up. So we finally got him to a vet, and now our options are a surgery that costs $300 with the local vet, and one that costs $2000 with the specialist at a nearby veterinary college (KSU). I want to talk to both the vets, but I don't know what kind of questions to ask...And we need to make a decision quick! Snoop doggie dog is in so much pain:(

Snoop eats dry organic dog food, about 1.25 cups/3 times a day.

Thank you,

Anneliese and Jay

ANSWER: Hi - ACL can heal on it's own but he will have arthritis in the area for the rest of his life.  EVEN if he gets the ACL repair, he can still have discomfort and develop arthritis.

Here is a link -
ONE of MY Q and A on ACL alternatives:

Let me know if you have questions....

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Snoop seems to be in a lot of pain, and has been now for almost a month...Though his movement and activeness have been significantly declined, he does not seem to show any improvement or any less pain. It doesn't seem like he's going to heal on his own, which is why we are considering surgery. There are two options for surgery:

1. Regular Vet does surgery -- actually doesn't get into the joint and 'fix the tear.  She drills a hole and then uses a strong suture to stabilize the knee joint.  Less invasive than option 2. Figured it would be around $500.  Success rate of 80-85%

2. Refer to K-State -- Big Boys - big bucks.  Maybe they shave the end of bone so it isn't round -- more stable - then they repair ligament and apply sutures also.  She thought around $2K -- they would go into the joint and repair and stabilize.. They have great success rate.

Our biggest concern is that we don't put Snoop through two surgeries. I've read lots of testimonies about dogs that get a first "botched" surgery and then end up having to have another one...This just seems WAY to traumatic for a person, let alone a dog to go through... Money, being the second biggest concern is that we want to do the cheaper one if it will work...but will it work?

I am going to order some NuJoint plus, that seems like it could help him heal up, but we are worried that we need to act promptly on the surgery because he is in so much pain...

_______________ Alternatives to ACL surgery _________________
Let me know if you try the baby aspirin or even the full 325 mg Ecotrin - coated aspirin????
I hope the vet has giving you something for pain?  OR - talk to him/her about the aspirin.
Aspirin is fine short term - until the NuVET and NUJoint can kick in.
Also, limited activity with leash walking.

Keep me posted:
Marie Peppers LPN MA

I would make sure he has some Baby Aspirin for the pain and swelling...
Just 81 mg per day will help... Is he on anyting for the pain?

As for the NuJoint - your mom will see results in less than 2 weeks.

As for the surgery - I have seen the BIG boys mess up and the local vet make a MESS, too.
The dog must be crated for 6 weeks after surgery - NOT one step or they can pull the whole repair out of place.
I have seen this!

ARE you sure you don't want to try some anti-inflammatories, pain meds and good foods and supplements?
Also, very limited exercise - leash walking ...
NO running.

What is this baby on for pain and swelling?
