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English Bullie

19 16:18:34

My wife and I have a 1yr old E.B.. Hewy is such a lovable guy but he is suffering from yeast ansd skin conditions.
1. He breaks out in welts all over and the skin is so irritated that it looks like Hewy looses control. I feel so helpless. The vets continue to give a antibotic but it is only a relief for a couple of days.
2. His belly area is swollen and he is loosing his coat.
3. The smell is horrible.

Can you help? I have to find a solution for Hewy. I have ordered NuVet 1-30-09. He wieghs 57lbs , should I give him 2 tablets and what type of shampoo should I buy. Green Tea?


That really sounds like mange.  Has he been tested for it.  It is a very easy skin scrape.

The yeast problem is from the antibiotics.  You need to get him on some probiotics.  It may be less expensive to by the kind for humans.  You can find it at any health food store.  Or your vet may carry it.

Yogurt is also a great source, I really don't know if a bulldog will eat yogurt!!!

I am not familiar with the vitamins or green tea shampoo.  We use Baby Shampoo.  You want to use something very mild.  

Again, if he has mange, the vet will prescribe medication and maybe a special shampoo.  Keep antibiotic use to a minimum if possible.  

Hope that helps,
Christine Puetz