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Bulldog food nutro vs Royal Canine;

19 16:16:54


Family photo
I read that you told another person using Royal canine to find another food ? Why ? I had used Nutro, but stopped because of unavailability at pet stores, but my 2 red nose pits lived 17 yrs on Nutro ( 2 females )Please advise.Thankyou..Thewirefam

Hi Wayne and Family!  Very nice photo, thanks.
Well, the Nutro is an ok or average food ... It has too much corn and rice for most bullie dogs.  Many bulldog breeds have troubles with allergies from corn and rice.  YOU were lucky not to have dogs with skin and coat trouble.  
As for the Royal Canine, again, it is an ok food but has a bunch of low cost fillers like corns.

Some dogs do wonderful with corn and rice but many bullies can't deal with all the excessive fillers in the Nutro or Royal Canine.

If you are looking for a new food.... I sure do like Innova Evo, Wellness core, and even Chicken Soup for the Dog lover's Soul is very good and lower cost than the Evo and Core.

BEST wishes!  I hope this answered your question.?????

Marie Peppers LPN  MA
see my bullie guests and NuVET Plus here: