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4month old bulldog diarrhea

19 16:19:36

My concern is that my puppy has been having diarrhea off and on for the past two weeks.  He will go 4 days or so solid then for reason I do not know, he starting his soft poop into watery poop.  This time he's been having it going on three days.  He eats Iams puppy food.  That is what the previous owner gave him.  Is it something to do with his food maybe?  Is there something I can give him. The last stool today 10/4/08 had gooey like flem.  I gave him a little pepto but I am desperate.  I am ready to give him up but I am attached to him now..

You need to get this kid to the vet.  This is very common but you need the vet to give your an RX medication.
Don't worry, it will pass with some help from the VET.
Also, add some canned pure pumpkin to his diet....2 tablespoons per day will help the loose stool.
Good Luck
