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Agressive English Bull dog

19 16:23:24

We purchased a male English bulldog at a year an 1/2 years of age. We already were owners of a female English bulldog of similar age. We've had him for 6-7 months. The male demands attention, is hyper and has a sweet temperament, but recently has begun to display aggressive behaviors. He  clamps onto objects and won't let go such as poles, snowboards, bags and such. In addition he has begun to snap and growl and most importantly recently bit a friend of ours in the face. When picked up and in his arms our dog turned and pierced him through his cheek. He progressed from hyper behavior to clamping onto objects and now growling and snapping- although the occasions of aggression towards humans are about 4. We are confused as to whether this behavior can be corrected or whether our beloved dog should be put to sleep. The only recent changes have been that he was neutered 3 weeks ago, crate training and he has been escaping from our home. Again any suggestions would help. Thank You.  

The neutering probably could have been done much sooner. However, at this stage of the game it sounds like he has huge separation anxiety issues.  The clamping onto objects doesn't bother me. Mine do the same thing with the broom or vacumn cleaner and will act aggressively when I run the blender.

I'm almost not really too upset over him biting the friend because what business did he have picking him up in the first place? Bulldogs don't particularly like being picked up off the ground. The jury is still out on this one.

I would try to get him into an obedience class and see how he behaves.  This isn't for training, it's for observation and socalization. Hopefully, you'll be able to find a trainer who can offer you some insight into his behavior. You really need someone with experience to work you through this if you intend to keep the dog. He's young and deserves a chance and the benefit of the doubt.