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My 2 female english bulldogs have started to fight

19 16:23:41

I have 2 english bulldogs. Gretchen is 1 year and 10 months & Holly a year.  I had Gretchen 8 months before getting Holly and they seemed to get along well at first.  Gretchen had always been more aggressive and Holly used to back down until about a month ago.  They started to have real bad fights drawing blood from eachother. As a result I separated them one is staying downstairs with my mother the other with me.  Gretchen is spayed and Holly will be next week.  Is there any hope they will ever get along again.  Any suggestions on what I can do?

You've waited too long to have the second one spayed for one thing. I would keep them apart until after the procedure and for about a month. Then try to reintroduce them on neutral territory, like the park or outside, not in the house.

There's a good chance they will never get along and this is not uncommon with female Bulldogs at all.