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stitching problem

19 16:22:53

I got my bulldog Zeta spayed 4 days ago. the process was fine and the stiching was ok. Yesterday she was playing with a puppy and around her stitching she started to get puss. Right now there is a puss ball close to the size of a golf ball next to her stitching. The vets are close because its a weekend, so i cant call her regular doctor. Please Help.

She obviously was supposed to be kept fairly quiet for a about a week after surgery, no playing with other dogs or rough housing. It appears she's developed a fluid sack of sorts, could be an infection but probably is just leakage from the incision caused by straining.

Keep her quiet and get her to the vet first thing on Monday. If you can put warm compresses on the bump to keep it draining, that's a good thing, perhaps 3 times a day for 10 minutes each time. Keep the area clean.

If the lump gets considerably larger over night, I would take her to an emergency vet tomorrow.