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Boil or Pimple like Bump on Chin

19 16:22:15

My almost 7 mo. old english bulldog Maddie has developed a boil or pimple like bump on her chin. It's hard and it looks like the skin is a little red. What is it? What should I do to care for it?  

This is "puppy stuff" and called puppy pyoderma. If allowed to spread, it can turn into a staph infection fairly readily.

Clean it with hydrogen peroxide and warm water 50/50. Dry it really well and then rub in some Neosporin. Do this 3 or 4 times a day more if it gets dirty.  Keep her out of the dirt until it's gone. Sometimes this is persistent, but eventually it will go away.  If it gets ahead of you, your vet will probably suggest putting her on cephalexin for 10 days or so.