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19 16:08:14

I have heard that bulldogs are gassy but this is ridiculous!! It is so bad we need gas masks. This isn't typical gas..You can smell it clear across the room and it smells like a fresh poop!! It is terrible and I can't express it enough. He is on wellness formula puppy takes nuvet and a teaspoon of yogurt with each meal.  He is almost 6months. It is so bad I'm not sure what to do when we have company for the holidays. He has to eat out of a special bowl because he eats so fast, but the gas is getting worse. In the evening we will have a wave of it about every 5 minutes when he is resting.

Bulldog foods - see here:  great for any bulldog:

Hi Cindy;  Wellness Puppy Dog food and NuVet are wonderful products.  I wonder if you need to run a stool sample over to your Vet office?  Many times a 6 month old puppy will need a 2nd or 3rd worming for parasites.  Many times you can't see the worms with the human eye.  

Also, see if you can purchase one of the bowls that "slows" a dog's eating down.  It has a built-up area in the middle and the dog has to eat around this structure.  You can also get a big rock and place this in the middle of his food dish.  He will need to eat around the rock and then take in LESS air.  The rock should be about 7 inches by 7 inches or even a little larger -  His food dish must be large enough for him to eat his kibble around this rock.
( I know it may should odd but it works)***  Less air intake = less gas expelled.

Next, Let's get this baby onto a good Probiotic for 90 days - A probiotic will lessen any yeast bulild up in the intestine.
I like the PEARLS - it's acidophalus.  You can look for this at GNC, Walgreens, CVS, Walmart.  ( This is not a drug - a natural product)
VERY safe for your baby to take 1 per day for 90 days.
It will balance out the Yeast bacteria in the gut and lessen the smell and gas.

HOPE this helps -  Bulldogs are known to have smelly gas.

Happy Holidays ----

Marie Peppers LPN MA
My NuVET bulldog supplement site:
The BEST for every bullie: