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house training

19 16:22:32

QUESTION: i have a 10 week old male EBD.  he gets fed three times a day.  5:00a.m.-12:00p.m.-6:00p.m.  he usually goes for the last time at about 9:30 or 10:00p.m.  he pees in his crate every night and poops most nights also.  he doesn't seem to bark until he has done his business.(or it doesn't wake me up till its to late)  i usually get up three or four times a night to let him out but he does nothing outside because he has already relieved himself inside.  i know this is pretty normal for a pup his age, but it is stressful.  i also don't know if it is better to keep him in the bedroom with us or in the kitchen with the light on.  i have also considered keeping him in the kitchen at night out of his crate (i have gates up) and putting down puppy pads.  is this counter productive to the house training.  any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.  
Mark and Kelly Shaffer
ANSWER: You have unrealistic expectations for a puppy this age. Your schedule is fine except I would feed him around 5 instead of 6 at night and pick up his water by 6. The puppy will probably not be able to make it through the night without soiling his crate for at least another month or 2. Puppy pads may be easier for you to clean up but it won't make much difference to him. Do NOT put him in your bedroom.

Stick with a schedule and be patient. House training takes months especially with Bulldog puppies.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I don't have unrealistic expectations for my dog.  i said that i knew this behavior was normal.  i was asking for any way to deal with it better and ease some of the stress off of the dog and me.  you didn't even address my idea of keeping him in the kitchen out of the crate at night and putting puppy pads down. The answer given to me seems very general and not specific to my question at all.

"Puppy pads may be easier for you to clean up but it won't make much difference to him."

I've answered this question probably 30 times here and if you care to email me directly, I'll be happy to send you the same training information I sent the previous 29 people with the same dilema.