Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > old english bull dog has loose bowels; canine pepto bismol doages;

old english bull dog has loose bowels; canine pepto bismol doages;

19 16:17:19

My Old Eng Bully is 2, she is in her 2nd heat. she has started to have very loose bowels. We keep here in the house and she seems to be having accidents, she never has had them before, they are very very loose and she seems to not be able to hold it like she has before. is this a symptom of being in heat?

Hi Shannon- Oh, poor you and your poor dog, too!
Yes, the loose stool can have something to do with the heat.
Here are some things you can get : over-the-counter options...
MOST vets refer to them:
Here is a chart with the Pepto Bismol dosages.
also Immodium is an option too.

BEST wishes...
Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse

Learn about a wonderful bullie vitamin / supplement.....