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Bulldog legs

19 16:19:42

I adopted a 3yr old Bulldog who was born with a form of Spina Bifida. The original owner said she was not expected to walk but she is fine although she is incontinent due to her spine . Lately when she gets up to move she has to stretch her legs for at least a good 5 minutes it's hard to explain she will walk and drag her back legs in like a stretching or itching motion.Is this normal? The vet said she is otherwise healthy she just had a checkup.



Some of Pet Nurse Mari
Nancy - What a wonderful person you are to care for this Special Needs gal!!!!  You have angel wings!!
And don't tell me you don't....

Well, as far as the stretching - I am not sure - I wonder if you can do some Range Of Motion on her legs, it can help. ( Relief of stiffness) - sure is helpful...

Range of Motion is moving the legs up and down in a gentle motion:
here is a link for you to look at:

How to do Range of Motion at home:

Also, check out NuJOINT Plus - this is a wonderful Supplement to keep Joints limber and YOUNG.
Only sold by Holistc vets and the manufacturer...
YOU need NuVET Plus and NuJoint Plus

Helpful and they offer a 60 day guarantee.

BEST wishes to you kids!!