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French bulldog personaility

19 16:19:45

Hello I am looking into the french bulldog as a companion dog and was wondering what their personality is like? I have read several breed profiles saying they are clownish but that's about all I know, I have a Boston terrier and was wondering if the personality is comparable between the two breeds? I am looking for a cuddly lapdog that is quiet/preferably calm for the most part/requires little exercise and is good with dogs/other pets and kids(I have nieces and a nephew that visit often). Is there a french bulldog club of society I can find more information at? Thank you for any information you can offer me.

Hi Tara - I run a doggie hotel and my MOST favorite is Boris!!!!  he is a little Frenchie... I love this boy... He is so loving and just a great companion....... Oh, my Boris...I just love when his mom calls for a reservation.

I also have another Frenchie..... her name is YODA....and she is a love, too!
Just a GREAT breed.

Good luck with your search - I am sure there must be some Yahoo groups or Google Groups for bulldogs or frenchies.

thanks and good luck!

Marie Peppers
SEE Boris here: