Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > Overweight? english bulldog;

Overweight? english bulldog;

19 16:11:07

I have an 9 month old male English Bulldog that weights 56.6 pounds. Overweight!!!!!!!! What can I feed him between meal times to fill him that will help with weight loss?

Hi Janelle - Talk to your vet about your Target weight..  HOW about some Low sodium canned green beans?  **give 1/2 can in the am and 1/2 in the pm.  You can also add a Dash of olive oil to the green beans ( just a few drops for flavor)....
HOPE this helps !
Don't forget your NuVET bulldog vitamins...SEE here

YOU can also try some Grain free dogs treats : No Grainers is the name...

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA