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is my english bulldog deaf? ; vibrations and deaf bulldog;

19 16:16:36

my brother and i just adopted an English all white bulldog. she seemed to be potty training very well for the first couple of days then i noticed she doesn't really respond to my voice or commands of any type, so i cant scare her to stop her in mid stream. how can i confirm this and what next. she seems to be having very runny stools. we are feeding her prairie? i think that's what the breeder must have been feeding her. she wakes up in the middle of the night howling, are these dogs in need of companionship to sleep?  HELP?! any information will be of great appreciation

________________follow up on deaf english bulldog __________________
Hi - did you want more info on some good foods and vitamins?
Also, check out for a good book - Just do a search on dogs and also add "special needs or deaf" to your search...
I have read some very simple books on living with a deaf dog.
BEST wishes!
I can help...
marie peppers - ask the pet nurse


Amanda, If she is deaf you can communicate with loud claps or stomps - the vibrations will get her attention... The feel all the smallest vibrations.
There is a number of good books in regards to working and living with a deaf dog.  

( I would see the vet about the loose stools)
She may have parasites or worms in the stools - you many not be able to always see them with the human eye.

If you want, I can suggest a good food and vitamins.
Also, give 1 pepto bismol capsule now, for the loose stool...
MOST vet offices will allow Pepto or immodium over-the-counter...

- call the vet and make an appointment / get this little one checked out.

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA