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A bulldog whos crazy for playing catch

19 16:16:31

My boyfriend and I adopted an almost-2-year-old  english bulldog from a
reputable Bulldog shelter. He is very well behaved for the most part and a
very sweet, cuddly companion. One of the only issues we've run into with him
is his extreme love for balls that are not his to play with. I.E. It is virtually
impossible to bring him to my boyfriend's softball game because he lunges
his body toward any ball he sees flying through the air, barking/growling,
making it amazingly difficult to restrain him. He does this at parks, in the
backyard if someone is playing catch with a lacrosse stick, you name it. (He
doesn't always bark at them, it depends on how worked up he gets!) We've
tried bringing his own ball and he wants nothing to do with it if someone else
is throwing one in the air. Our mild mannered, silent, sweet dog turns into an
inconsolable maniac in this situation! He is never possessive over anything
besides balls that are clearly not meant for him. It's very odd. Any ideas of
how to kick this habit of his?

Hi Nell - I can picutre it " A softball game"  WOW - I know what you mean....Oh, boy!
Sounds like a little OCD - obsessive compulsive with the BALLS---
YOU will need a good ONE on ONE trainer... ( just a few sessions)

here is one - ask her your question:

( I am not a behavior expert - mainly health problems and feeding issues)
SEE Jill here:

Good LUCK!

Marie Peppers
My Bullie Page