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English Bulldog Skin Odor

19 16:21:04

We have a 1 1/2 year old Female English.  We have had alot of skin problems with her over the past year.  She develops allergic reactions to things in her environment and breaks out with big whelps all over her body.  We usually treat these with benadryl and they will go away in a few days.  She also has extreme shedding issues which we treat with ProDerma on her food every day. We treat the yeast in her nose wrinkle and around her tail with an ointment from the vet. The only issue I have not found a solution to is her terrible odor.  Approx. 4 days after her bath she will have a really oilly feeling haircoat and will have a strong odor coming from her skin.  I know that we shouldn't bathe her more than once every two weeks, but we cannot stand to smell her without the bath once a week.  Our vet doesn't seem to have an answer for this problem.  He recommended using a waterless soap free dog spray to treat her with in between baths.  

Do you have any suggestions?

Jennifer, I am glad your wrote to me.  Your little English girl has some major allergies.  The smell is related to yeast in her body.  I bet she has an overgrowth of yeast in her skin and intestines. Ok, I am going to suggest you change around her entire program.  Any questions or concerns ...please let me know.  Keep on using the cream for her nasal fold areas... ( from your vet)

First, get your little one on a good Holistic food such as Innova Evo or Wellness Formula - I love Innova Evo or Wellness is a very good food too. Here is the link for Wellness:

**** Wellness, try the fish and sweet potato formula (sometimes a different protein source does the trick) plus it has the bonus of omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. Fewer ingredients means it's less likely to cause an allergic reaction:

Next - Put her on 1/2 cup of yogurt daily - It must be the ACTIVE culture kind like " Activa Brand"  - This will help a bunch with the yeast in her belly and skin.  ( The SMELL is yeast)  

Keep her on the ProDerma for now... I don't think it will hurt at all.    Benadryl for the hives and bumps is fine as a short term answer to her inflammations.

Last:  Try NuVET Plus - This will help with the allergies and the yeast.  NuVET is a supplement that many breeders give to the parents of new pups.  It is the number one Pet Skin supplement is the usa... All Natural and save for your little girl.  About .50 cents per day for this treat wafer / supplement.  

NuVET Plus will help her to build the immune system and fight off environmental allergens.

Visit at:

************  Please remember to make the food change slowly - Do 1/2 your regular amount and 1/2 the new food x 2-3 weeks.  Then, after that time please get rid of the old food.
Your little one needs to be on grain free foods - or 98 % grain free.  See if you can by the Innova treats, too.  Grain free EVO treats by Innova.

Good Luck and let me know how it goes.

As for the shampoo - NuVET sells a Tea Tree Oil shampoo for about 10.00 and it will be great for her.

All NuVET Products are 100% guaranteed to help or your money back.