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4 year old bulldog urinating in house

19 16:21:04

We have a fixed 4 year old male bulldog that is housebroken but recently started peeing in the house.  He only does it when my husband and son are playing outside or are about to leave. He loves the baby but I think he might be trying to get my husband's attention since he was the baby for about 3 years.  My husband is ready to give him away but I don't want to see that happen. What should I do to get him to stop peeing in the house

Hi Sarah:  Well, this is a hard one!  Ask your husband if he can still give his first boy some attention -  Just Daddy and Mr. BullDog.... Some special time - play ball or go for a walk.  Every day just the two of them..

Next, Try getting a Male Wrap... ( bad boy pants)... There are all kinds of names for this.  I will give you a link -
You can place a female ( human ) femine pad inside this male wrap.  Place the wrap on him after he has done his potty outside.  If he pees he will pee on himself and the pad.  He may not like the wet feeling on his skin.

Try that and see if it works.  ( example of a male wrap)

Also, if it continues, you may want to get a urine test at the VET office or some blood work.  Just to make sure he doens't have a urinary infection.

Hope this has helped..

Marie of NuVET Plus - The BEST Dog Vitamin in the USA