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Old English bulldog seizures ; english bulldog seizues; canine seizures;

19 16:08:15

I have a 3 yr old English Bulldog, he is according to our vet the healthiest bulldog she has seen, in terms of weight, skin etc. He eats science diet sensitve stomach dry food, with the science diet light wet food ( only at night does he get the wet) He has recently started acting like he is having some sort of seizure or stroke, I am not sure, what happens is he will be sleeping or laying down and then he stands up and is stuck in an arched position, like he is trying to hump the thin air, his penis, is somewhat stuck out, and he is responsive to hearing and visually seeing you, but he doesn't move and his breathing slows, and it happens for anywhere from 5-10 minutes every once in a while, do you know what is wrong?

Canine Seizures Melatonin Studies; Keep a record of the activity;
Seizures in English Bulldog;  Record of Seizure Activity;
Gold Beads for seizure activity ; NuVET Plus ; Melatonin:
SEE below for my post on the Gold implants:

Hi Whittney,  Have some blood work done on this Bullie boy.
A good blood panel will tell your Vet about his heart and lungs.
Yes, he could be having some seizure activity.  
Keep a list of the duration and date of each episode.
The record will help your Vet determine if this is seizure activity.
If there are more than 4-5 episodes in one month then you can place him on Phenobarbital meciation from your Vet.  They don't like to use this medication unless there are a number of seizures.

Good luck, Sorry that I can't be of more help:

You may want to look into some of my supplements:

Natural options : Gold Beads, Melatonin and NuVET: