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Bulldog biting

19 16:25:30

I have a 2 year old english bulldog whom I love dearly. My husband and I are fortunate to be home a lot and our dog gets lots of play time. The only problem is our dog, Seamus, gets very excited and sometimes catches out fingers when retrieving a toy from us or scratches us when he gets excited and jumps up. His bite is too rough and hurts. He's had this problem since he was a pup. I have a boxer who plays the same way, but he is very gentle with us when we play with him.  

The dog needs obedience classes first and foremost. Secondarily, you need to teach him to be gentle. He won't pick this up on his own.  He has to be taught. This is something you teach puppies but you can still teach a 2 yr. old dog. It just requires more effort and consistency.

When he bites, give him a sharp cuff under his chin in an upward manner, with a loud "EASY!"  This doesn't hurt but will get his attention. Then, try again whatever it was before he bit too hard. If he does it again, repeat the process. If he's gentle, then big praise all around.

Every dog is different and learns differently. It's up to you to teach.