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Breeding Eng & Am BD

19 16:15:19

I have a 10 month old male English Bulldog whose mother, and my great friend, passed away recently.  In a couple of days I will be bringing home a new playmate for him, a young female American Bulldog.  If I decide not to neuter them and have a litter of pups what is the likelihood the female will need a c-section?


I am more familiar with English & French bulldogs, but from that I know about American bulldogs, they are suppose to be better at whelping (delivering puppies.)  Of course with any breed, there is always a risk of something going wrong and needing to head to the vet.

Make sure do to a lot of research about having and raising puppies.  It would also be good to have a vet lined up, just in case you have an emergency.

Christine Puetz