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English Bulldog

19 16:11:11

I have an English Bulldog, he will be 24 weeks this Thursday.  He has been sleeping in his crate ever since we got him at 10 weeks old.  His crate is in our living room by the sliding glass door and I would like to move him to our bedroom.  I still want to keep him in his crate for a while longer and don't plan on him sleeping with us, just in our room.  My husband travels sometimes and I would like him in the room with me.  I just wanted some input on it a good idea, how to go about it, etc.
He has been on Royal Canine since he was born so I have not changed his food since he has had no problems with it thus far.  He is on no medications now, was only for 10 days after he was neutered.

Thanks, your advice is appreciated!

Sure Terra, you can place him in the bedroom.  Just try to keep him in the crate and out of your bed...OR - he will end up taking OVER the bed.

Good luck with your bullie.

Marie Peppers LPN MA

***the Best bulldog vitamins....see here:
NuVET Plus wafers