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8 month old Bulldog Ignores us - how can I get her to see me as pack leader?

19 16:20:12

I have an 8 month old english bulldog who I adore, she's just coming out of her first season.
The problem is that our vet told us not to take her to training until she was this old, and to bring her to his puppy parties instead.
Now that we have been to training (2nd lesson yesterday) we realise that this was a bad idea. She sees other dogs as objects to socialise with so we can't let her off the lead as she never comes back.

I have tried the standard recall training with praise and titbits at home , and having her on a long line when out (also using titbits) practicing.
She just struggles and wriggles and won't come.

The trainer thinks that there is no pack leader and that our dog doesn't respect us, and that no matter how much I train she won't obey until I am seen by her as pack leader.
What can I do to obtain this result ?

It seems so ingrained in her, she only comes to me when she feels like it, jumps up at people and doesn't bring things back when we play.
I try the not letting her walk through doors first etc.

Wow, I think your vet was WAY OFF.  Your trainer was right!  But, what is done is done and we have to work with what we got!!!
Ok, follow all the directions of your trainer.  You may need some private lessons at your home.  That is the only way she will learn that you are the TOP dog in the house.  You need to find a Mobile trainer that will come to you.  IN her own den.

I see no other way around this.  YOU are going to need to spend some $$$ and get help with this.  She will learn much faster in her own home.

Good Luck!!
Have fun!!!!

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