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Our rescue attached last night

19 16:21:38

Greetings.  My husband and I recently rescued a 4 year old Engligh Bulldog named Winston.  Last night we started acting up and starting walking into our closet and steeling our shoes and running and hiding them under the coffee table.  The only way to get anything away from him is to give him a dog cookie.  He never really does this.  After about 4 times we blocked off the door to the closet and while my husband was putting the last pillow down, Winston just started to attach him.  Winston's face just scruntched up and he got this face as if we were going to hit him and he attached.  He was jumping and biting and was so upset.  We have no idea why this happened but we are so upset.  After yelling NO a few times he finally stopped attacking but was so upset for the rest of the night.  He was panting hard and walking around the room.  Any advice on what to do?  We don't know much about his history but we do know that he was abused with a shock collar at one point in his life.

This is pure anxiety on his part. Poor guy. He needs to settle in and realize that no one is going to hurt him and that he has a wonderful new life. This may take months.

If you can find a behaviorist near you who can help you through this period, it would be your best option. Without knowing his background, you're really on your own.

If he's crate trained, I would get a big crate and make it his "house". Give him a place of his own where he can feel secure. Then treat him as if you were training a new puppy. Outside time, house time, crate time. Set a routine for him so he will be comfortable. Avoid any confrontation but don't put yourselves in a position to get hurt either. The strong "NO" seemed to have an effect on him. That's good. If this happens again, take him directly to his crate once you can put your hands on him and let him calm down.