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Worried EBD Parents

19 16:21:05


Our EBD Maggie is 4.5 months old we just had her spayed and is doing great. For the last month she has been choking on phlegm everyday, sometimes it's first thing in the morning, after she eats, it can happen anytime.  She spits up some times and it's all phlegm.  I have taken her to the vet several times but everytime we get her there it's stopped and they can't hear what we are talking about.  I squirt lemon juice down her throat when she does it but I really don't see a huge difference.  I feel so bad for her and not sure what I can do.  From everything I have read online it typically happens when they get heated or exausted but it happens all the time.  Thanks for any information you can give me.


Hi, Your Maggie is a soft palate dog. There could be a few things going on here.  First, the soft palate situation can give her some troubles with choking or spitting up.  
English bulldogs often have breathing problems due to an elongated soft palate. This palate can be shorten by laser surgery and is not a major issue if addressed.

Signs of an elongated soft palate are heavy raspy breathing, vomiting and the inability to calm down quickly after activity.

Her Palate may not need repair at this time.  Just ask the doctor about it ...OK?

NEXT, Your little girl may have a digestion problem and having a reflux of her esophagus.  Here is a link all about this problem...

Last, Your little girl could have allergies to foods and the environment.  A good supplement like NuVET Plus will help her to build up the immune system to fight off the allergens.  Here is a link to NuVET Plus Wafter treats:

Best wishe on this.... Let me know if you need more help from me.
Thanks for your question.

Marie Of The Doggie Chalet Hotel in Alaska