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Pigment on English bulldog puppy nose..

19 16:22:37

Hi, I just bought a English Bulldog from a reputable breeder when the pup was 8 weeks old she is now 11weeks old and her nose which is supposed to be dark black is half pink and black. I am wanting to show her but I know with this nose its not possible. Do you think it can still turn at this point or not. Any bulldog puppy I have seen their nose is usually turned by now.. Please help with this question.. Thanks!

It's still way too early to give up on pigment not coming in. Yes, most puppies have full pigment by this age but some don't get it for months. However, if it doesn't come in and you purchased the puppy for show, your breeder should either replace the puppy or give you the difference between the show price and pet price.

Of course there's the old breeder's trick of having the area tattood in's a big secret :o)