Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > bathing


19 16:23:08

I've been bathing my 4 month old bulldog once a week right now.  Because he starts to smell a bit and sometimes because he pee'd in his cage overnight.  Should I be concerned about this because I read they should only be bathed when needed (every 2 months or so).  I use an oatmeal conditioner that makes his fur brilliant and shiny.  Anything to watch out for?

First of all, remove every type of bedding from his crate until he's not peeing at all overnight. Pick up his water no later than 6 and take him outside to pee as late as possible.

Now, the bathing is excessive. I have Bulldogs several years old who have never had a bath. Too much bathing can lead to yeast infections, ear infections and very possibly upper respiratory problems. This just isn't necessary.  Use baby wipes on him. Don't clean his wrinkles every day. Once a week should be fine and make sure they're nice and dry when you finish.

You can give him a TUMS once a day to stop any tear stains too.