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Aging dogs

19 16:26:08

Hi! I'm a writer working on a book about dogs. The company's website is

Would you be able to answer a question for publication in the book? You'd be credited in the book with the tip, by your first and last name, first name, or anonymous if you prefer.

The question is: What types of changes have you made for your dog as she became a senior dog?  

Hi Jennifer,
The aging dog must have special care cleaning out the ears, wiping the eyes, brushing the teeth, keep a good eye on bowel movements.
Feeding a better quality of diet easier to chew since they loose teeth as humans do.  Make a good soft bed preferable on the floor, keep steps at a minimun daily.  GIve a supplement with Glucosamine for any pain in the tablet.
Keeping the dog most comfortable, happy and stress free gives it more time than being too hard on it if an accident happens and they will.
Listen for noise from the breathing of the dog, if u hear noise from the lungs, get it vetted for fluid occurs, have the heart checked for strength yet in aging, and just keep the dog happy, never be negatived in anything it might do wrong.  I feel their minds do leave somewhat like the aging humans, I truly feel and have seen it in my old dogs that they forget to come back in when left out, I have to go find the dog and bring it in.  They have drifted too far from home which never before happened, so I am convinced their minds go also.

Kind Regards
Pat Schrecengost
Kittanning, Pa.