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white english bulldog

19 16:26:09

Yes, I have a bulldog on the fifth will be 5 months old. She now barks and growls at any little thing that I do. However, the good side she does bark to go outside, but still uses the bathroom inside. For example shows that she need to go outside she goes outside and then comes back in and only 5 min later she uses the bathroom. That I can deal with my question is how can I break her from barking and biting. I try rolling her over and rubbing her stomach she gets more frisky. In addition, she starts barking and biting, and then 2 min later laying down like an angel.

Thank you for your time.

Greg Shiver

You need some training classes, obedience, behavior etc. It sounds like she thinks she runs the show and she needs to learn otherwise or you're going to have serious problems later on. Part of the biting is probably that she's getting her permanent teeth. Keep plenty of hard rubber toys around for her to chew on and when she bites you, give her a firm "NO!" and replace the bitten part of your anatomy with a toy.  Find yourself a trainer, soon.