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First heat & urinary issues

19 16:20:50

I have had my bulldog for 4 months and at 8 months of age, she is in the middle of her first heat.  Suddenly, she is urinating much more frequently and in smaller amounts.  As she pees in her crate and inside right after she went out, she does not seem to be able to control it.  Any ideas on what is going on or is this normal for a bulldog in heat?  Is this the sign of an infection of some sort?

Tricia - Looks to me like the gal may have a UTI ( urinary infection) going on.  You need to have the vet check her out if this continues...

You can give this a try:  ( take for 5 days)

For the reduction of bacteria you can give this:
Cranberry Fruit Extract with Ester C.  You can give one capsule for every 20 pounds of pet. You should be able to find Cranberry Extract pills at most supermarkets in the Health Sections ( health foods).

Next, get your little one on NuVET Plus - An excellent Vitamin for your bulldog... NuVET is the Choice of BullDog Breeders all over the world... Only about .50 cents per day for NuVET Plus wafer treats.
Take one per day...  
Not sold in stores... You can get NuVET From the Vet but the company sells it Wholesale at this site:

Also, you can give your baby some yogurt about 1/4 cup per day of the ACTIVA ( active cultures )...  Make sure you buy a brand with only active bacteria cultures ...OK.

Let me know how things go.  Don't forget the NuVET Plus - order some today... It is guaranteed to help, or your money back.

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The Doggie Chalet Hotel