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Bulldog Growth

19 16:19:54

My 4 mnth female english bully weighs in at 24 pounds. She is active, loves to walk and play and has a great appetite. Her head seems to be growing slower than the rest of her is. Is this common in english bullies? Also she can get slightly stubborn at times. How does one deal with it?

Hi Mili- Yes, as they grow the body will tend to grow faster than the head.  Also, she will be legs and clumsy for some time.
Good Ball play will help to build the muscles in the legs.
A fetch game gives some good starts and stops on the muscles.

Also, a good supplement like NuVET Plus will give her some bulk into the muscle - NuVET  is one of the BEST bullie Vitamins in the USA-
here is my link - see the bullies here:

She would just need one NuVET Per Day - 1 wafer treat.

Good Luck with her - if you want some behavior advice - we have some great experts in our Dog Behavior sections:
good Luck

Marie Peppers
ASK a VET / Pet Nurse