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Bulldog Veterinarians

19 16:23:47

I live in Washington, DC and I have an english bulldog that is five and a half months old. She hasn't had a ton of health problems, but she did recently have a slight upper respiratory infection. She is scheduled to be spayed within the next couple of weeks and shortly after that I will be traveling with her to my parents' home in Plattsburgh, New York (way upstate) for the Christmas holiday. I will be up north for a few weeks so it would make me feel much more at ease if I knew of a veterinarian in the area that is comfortable with treating bulldogs just in case (god forbid) anything should happen while I'm visiting my family. I plan on faxing her medical records over from my vet in DC a week or two before I head north so in the event that she needs medical attention for any reason the vet will be aware of her history. (I know I sound like the biggest worrier but she is my baby and her health is my number one priority) I'm not sure where you are located or if you would know of a place to refer me to find a good vet, but I figured it would be worth a shot to ask you. Another reason that I'm asking you this is because one of my parent's friends recently had his pug spayed at a local animal hospital and the poor thing didn't survive the procedure because the vet didn't take the necessary precautions for a short-nosed dog. This absolutely terrified me so I would really like to be aware of a good vet within the upstate area (including Vermont since we're just across the lake) so I can sleep at night while I'm there. Thanks in advance for your help!  

If I were you, I would put off the spaying until after your trip home for two reasons.  She's just getting over an upper respiratory infection and that combined with possibly anesthesia complications, I would wait. Secondarily, traveling over the holidays, a strange home, more traveling is stressful on any dog whether they show it outwardly or not. If you have her spayed and then travel, she may just come up with another infection because her immune system will be not up to par.

I would make doubly sure she is completely over the upper respiratory thing before going into any surgery.

There is a great Bulldog vet in Burlington but for the life of me, I can't think of his name right this minute.  If you email me directly later on, I'll try to find it.