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potty training... bulldog ; bulldog UTI infecitons /

19 16:15:24

hello.  My English Bulldog is now almost a year and a half is is STILL not potty trained!  She knows she is not supposed to go in the house and doesnt unless you make her mad by locking her up in the kitchen.  She will go ALL over the kitchen with 30 minutes!!  She also pees wherever she sleeps!!  So if she sleeps on the carpet next to our the morning there will be pee there where she has laid in it all night!  I do not understand what to do!!!  She also has had a few accidents by our sliding glass door a few times where she is let out.  The problem with that though is I will take her out and she will just sit and stare at me...then when we go back inside she will go next to the door!!!  PLEASE HELP!!!

Ok, I bet this bullie kid has a urinary infection or a hormone problem.
You need to see the vet to rule the medical problems out.  Then you will know if you have a behavior problem or a medical problem.  Many female bullies have UTI infections.
Please see the vet ASAP.

Also, we have some great behavior experts under the AllExperts  Dog Behavior and Training.
*they may be able to help,too

Good luck
Marie Peppers LPN MA